Here’s a tutorial on the [memberlite_tabs] and [memberlite_tab] shortcodes. These shortcodes add a tabbed content area when using the Memberlite theme.

Shortcode Code Example

This is the Item 1 tab content.
This is the Item 2 tab content.
This is the Item 3 tab content.

[memberlite_tabs] Shortcode Attributes

  • items: A comma-separated list of tab names to display. (required; first in list is active)
  • class: An optional class/style to associate with the area. (optional)

[memberlite_tab] Shortcode Attributes

  • item: The name of the tab that this content is associated with. (required; must exactly match a tab listed in wrapper “items” attribute)
  • class: An optional class/style to associate with the area. (optional)

See it in action.

This is the Item 1 tab content.
This is the Item 2 tab content.
This is the Item 3 tab content.