Memberlite Elements
Enhance your Memberlite site with custom Masthead Page Banners, Unique Sidebar and Widget Areas, and Membership Level Landing Pages.
Extended Banner Options
The Elements plugin enables extended options for flexible page banners, including:
- Add additional descriptive or teaser content [docs]
- Toggles to display the page title, breadcrumbs, or hide the banner entirely [docs]
- Designate a custom page icon [docs]
- Specify additional banner right column content that will inherit the columns ratio of your main page content [docs]
- Specify content for a banner displayed at the bottom of the page [docs]

Custom Sidebars
Elements adds a new admin page allowing you to create and assign sidebar locations based on the the page, post or custom post type being viewed. The page will automatically detect all special post types added by your site’s plugins, such as bbPress or an Events management plugin.