Before starting PMPro, Jason and I did a lot of custom website development. In our consulting work, we regularly used a shortcode I wrote to pull in titles and excerpts of a page’s children, with lots of attributes and display options to control the output. We call this shortcode and have included it in the Memberlite theme.

How it Works

The basic idea of the shortcode is to shows a list of a given page’s subpages in the order you define. It allows you to easily create a “digest” page of content, that is dynamically drawn based on the hierarchy of pages defined. If a URL changes, you update a page title, or change the body content of a page, there’s no need to go back and update your digest page: the shortcode handles this all for you.

We use this shortcode on almost every top level menu page here at Memberlite. The documentation page shows the 3 column DIV layout and the Memberlite Theme demo’s color schemes page shows a three column grid with thumbnail only.


Attributes include:

The shortcode includes attributes for customizing the display, selecting or excluding pages, defining the page list sort order and “orderby” element.

You can also set the output to include or hide the page’s feature image, and define the size of the image from the default image sizes of WordPress (“thumbnail”, “medium”, “large” and “full”).

Read Shortcode Documentation Download Memberlite