A feature and enhancement-rich release for Memberlite is here. In this release, we’ve improved the theme’s responsive styling and added more support for the WordPress v5.0+ block editor, including custom colors in the editor’s color palette and expanded styling for built-in blocks.
Theme updates can be made directly in your WordPress site’s admin under Dashboard > Updates > Update Themes.
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About the Update
This update includes a collection of bug fixes related to the entry meta replacements available in Customizer under “Memberlite Options”. We’ve also fixed an escaping bug that in certain cases would not respect a color setting for your site’s title and tagline.
By request, we added support for RTL. Please comment below if you are using Memberlite for an RTL site and see any improper formatting. We want to continue to improve the theme’s handling of RTL and need the community to report back if there are outstanding style needs.
Some of the more exciting improvements include the option to set your site’s primary menu as a sticky navbar. This setting can be found under Appearance > Customize > Memberlite Options. You’ll see that the primary navigation bar now sticks to the top of the page on scroll (large screens only).
The header now uses a grid layout so that your site’s branding and mobile menu button toggle do not overlap on small screens.
If you are using the block editor as part of WordPress v5.0+, you can now expect Memberlite to support styles for core blocks, including blockquotes, image gallery displays, captions. We’ve also added styling for default font sizing adjustments (small, medium, large, huge).
In addition to these block support features, we are also now customizing the editor’s color palette according to your chosen scheme or custom selections as made under Appearance > Customize > Colors.
The full list of changes is detailed below:
- BUG FIX: Fixed bug where {post_comments} replacement wasn’t returning the correct count in masthead area.
- BUG FIX: Fixed spacing when applying a discount code and the error/success message displays.
- BUG FIX: Fixed issue with escaped CSS selectors and
‘blank’ color value. - BUG FIX: Fixing warning on homepage when displaying latest posts and no posts are found.
replacements to be more reliable for post entry meta before and after. - BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Adjusting button text color for columns layouts of Advanced Levels Page shortcode
- ENHANCEMENT: Adjusting image block for responsive screens to display block and not floated.
- ENHANCEMENT: Added option for sticky navbar.
- ENHANCEMENT: Now aligning floated images on small screens to center and block to avoid broken text wrap on mobile.
- ENHANCEMENT: Adjusted layout of the Memberlite Guide page to match WP 5.0+ admin styles.
- ENHANCEMENT: Adjusted responsive view of masthead/post byline area to display avatar above title for small screens; no hyphenation on small screens.
- ENHANCEMENT: Adjusted responsive view of site footer copyright and ‘back to top’ link area.
- ENHANCEMENT: Restructured the header for small screens to use grid layout so menu toggle button doesn’t overlap logo.
- ENHANCEMENT: Adjusted margin around comment form; Adjusted tabs on comment/pingbacks area to have no outline.
- FEATURE: Added support for the additional HTML5 tags
. - FEATURE: Added RTL support.
- FEATURE: Began adding styles for core WP Blocks, including blockquotes, image gallery displays, captions; Support for default styles including font sizes small, medium, large, huge.
- FEATURE: Added theme’s color scheme to block editor via
theme support. - FEATURE: Built unique array of Color Scheme values to include in Block Editor.
- FEATURE: Now using a comment query to get count so we can exclude trackbacks and pingbacks.
- FEATURE: Added word break and hyphen styles for comments content.